Saturday, December 02, 2006

more random poetry

If you were an elevator
what music would you play?
something soft, soulful.....
r & b . reggae
maybe cheerful distractions
to ease the ups and downs
maybe silence screaming
as we plummet to the ground.

Doctors bury their mistakes
more often than not.
so if a doc makes a mistake
it seldom is forgot.

Doctors bury their mistakes
most regretfully.
I cannot bury my mistakes.
I have no Phd.


Katie said...

i really like this, westopher, seriously!

erin said...

Wes, i refuse to comment on your site anymore.

I had no idea you were still alive! You never come to visit our blogs!


yours truly and farewell!

Holland Chase said...

I remember reading these in King's class.

Katie said...

wes died....