Saturday, December 02, 2006

more random poetry

If you were an elevator
what music would you play?
something soft, soulful.....
r & b . reggae
maybe cheerful distractions
to ease the ups and downs
maybe silence screaming
as we plummet to the ground.

Doctors bury their mistakes
more often than not.
so if a doc makes a mistake
it seldom is forgot.

Doctors bury their mistakes
most regretfully.
I cannot bury my mistakes.
I have no Phd.

in the name of boredom, i will post stuff that you guys have already these poems i wrote long ago....

I sit here.
while you stare,
I sit here.

While you stare
at me wondering,
why i sit here

why you stare.
I'm sorry.
Is this your chair?

Monday, November 06, 2006

expectations goodbye

What about your predictions,
have they come true?
Is everything just like you said
just like you thought you knew.

And after all of this can you still see
the human side of me?
struggling for existence against
what I'm doomed to be.

I'm lying here without your soul.
It's so cold. It's time we go.
If there was ever hope
It left in hand with love

Now life's a struggle everyday
against our certain end.
Were searching for our separate ways.
I hope we find them.

and All that I see lies in red.
Misery without company.
staring vaguely, strangely
at a black and white TV.
And I think I might was well be dead,
then to live without you within me.
It's so hard to keep you where you're supposed to be.

So say Goodbye.